I was still in high school when I first read the novel "A Stranger in the Mirror" by Sidney Sheldon. Like many of his works, it deals with fictional characters having unhappy endings. The story opens with the description of Toby Temple's childhood, how his mother encourages him to develop his theatrical talent by joining amateur contests. Toby grew up knowing that he was going to be famous. With that in mind, he did everything he could and even used some people just to get on top. He succeeded and became a Hollywood star. In one of his shows he met Jill Castle, a starlet who later on became his wife. When Toby got paralyzed and was already useless to her, Jill murdered him. She then committed suicide when David Kenyon, her true love, discovered the one secret she's been hiding - her dirty past engaging in a pornographic film.
The title of the novel signifies the truth about the lives of famous people such as actors and actresses. Some of them became strangers to their own selves for they have to play, almost everyday, the part of a masked person that the world wanted to see. They can't just do anything they want without being judged by the public. With this understanding, I was able to deal with my insecurities. I used to be the kind of person who gets easily affected by what people say, always thinking of myself as the target. But now that I have looked into the mirror and recognized who I am, I learned to love and accept the real me and what's inside.
MIRROR by Fallen Ashes |
In general, I consider this a wonderful story because it taught me to be strong and have determination in accomplishing my goals. Way back in high school, I graduated with good academic standing and passed the UPCAT because of my perseverance. Like Toby Temple who followed his passion and gave 100% in his career, I realized that I need to know what I want and make it a priority in my life. As the saying goes, we are all super stars; we just have to discover what we're truly capable of and shine. But in contrast to the character's way of attaining one, I will, without doubt, try not to step on anyone just to get what I want.